Thursday, July 31, 2008

First time for everything

I did it, I actually did it. Man I can't believe this, for the first time in my life I just bought something off of EBAY. It wasn't just through the "buy it now" function either. I put a bid out there and actually fought for this product. Okay so it wasn't just one bid either, it was several bids and it was down to the last second. It was about midnight for me and I just wanted to go to bed but the suspense of winning or losing was just too much that my body felt like I had just slammed a Red Bull and was full of forced energy. I was exhausted but my body just kept going. "How much time is left? 6 minutes, come on. Now, how much time is left? 5 minutes and 42 seconds? Aghh, I can't take this." This went on until the very last second where I finally threw out my high bid and found out that I won it. It was all mine, I AM THE VICTOR!! The best part of it all is that what I won wasn't even for me, it was for my amazing wife Megan. She emailed me the other day so sad that her CHI hair straightner had broke. She wanted to just run out and instantly but a new one for 100 bucks. I said no of course because I'm a "meany head" like that and because I had a plan of my own. I was going to go against the standard of just going and buying something, I wanted to check out other routes and EBAY just happened to be it. I was able to get a freakin' CHI hair straightner for... ready for this, $66 bucks. Wait, no I take that back, it wasn't just a CHI hair straighter it was a CHI Turbo. Do you know what this thing can do? It can heat up in 6 seconds plus it just looks cool. I'm not really sure as to what makes it more that just a CHI but I do know that it heats up in 6 seconds and that's pretty amazing. That means that both the CHI and I have something in common, Megan can turn us on and we're both hot after just 6 seconds. That was just for your benefit babe, I love you. Really though it's true;)- Well I think that I'm must contine my EBAY adventures because the rush of not losing to a bunch of other, I dare say, LOSERS was amazing. I slept so well after that. If any of you have any fun EBAY adventures let me know, we can be buddies. Until then, keep on bidding.


Mr & Mrs Hilton said...

Yippy! I can't wait you are so great! I am glad that I can turn you and the hair straightner on so fast! LOL! Can't wait to get it! Thank you, thank you and thank you! You are great! I love you!

TheWrightStuff said...

Aaron! Jed and I loved your CHI story and we were laughing pretty hard! Good job on the bidding- that's very impressive. Take care of yourself!

Love Jed and Missy

Jed said he thinks you look hot in your short shorts

Missy said...

What a good husband!

Drew Turk said...

nothing better than the CHI man..

Jenny Hart Turk said...

You are such an awesome Hubby! We actually bought rock band off of ebay 2 days before Christmas and totally got it for $90 bucks! It was sweet! p.s. I see that Turo left a comment already, so just so you can distinguish, it's me Jenny speaking